For a long time the same hotpot, love at first sight
I don't have a cat. I only keep you.
If it's just passing by, I'll wait for you at the end.
No one will suddenly not love you, just you suddenly know.
All the reunion after a long time is just a repeat.
I just laugh a lot, not always happy.
if not live in your heart all are strangers.
破解补丁激活 优点:到期时间为2099年,基本为永久啦 缺点:相对服务器激活麻烦些,但是一共只需要3个步骤,其实并不麻烦
Is encrypted.
## 背景 手贱给手头的小米平板升级了澎湃os,结果发现超级辣鸡,于是想线刷降级,问小米客服说我们附
## 背景 最近服务商的免费域名开始从1年有效期改成了90天,导致如果有多个域名会很难管理,每天的域
## 背景 迁移docker下的nextcloud ## 问题 ### 报错500并且data/n
## 官网 ## 下载 1. https://f-droid
## 前言 自从向日葵pc端限速后,远程越来越渣了,后来好像又恢复了,然后支持控制手机了,但是付费的